Animation Studio in Japan
Our animation studio in Japan brings stories to life with unparalleled creativity and technical expertise. From storyboarding to rigging to 2D and 3D animations, our team focuses on quality storytelling. Utilizing advanced tools like Toon Boom, we ensure each animation captivates and engages your audience.
Character design
From initial sketches to final renderings, we design memorable characters that resonate with your audience.
Storyboarding for Commercial Movies
From concept to screen, we craft detailed storyboards for
commercial movies to visualize your project’s narrative flow.
Storyboarding for Featured Films and Series
Our animation studio in Japan excels in creating comprehensive storyboards for featured films, guiding the production process with precision.
Rigging service
Our animation studio in Japan provides top-tier rigging services, ensuring characters and objects move fluidly and realistically.
Utilizing Toon Boom solutions among other software, we deliver stunning 2D animations for commercials, films, and online content.
Our studio produces high-quality 3D animations, bringing characters and scenes to life with depth and detail.
Our talented artists create breathtaking backgrounds that set the stage for your animated stories.
Motion graphics
Our animation studio in Japan specializes in dynamic motion graphics for promotional videos, presentations, and more.
Voiceover and sound design
We offer professional VoiceOver and sound design services to add an
auditory dimension to your animations.
Co-production services
Partner with us for co-production projects, leveraging our expertise, network and resources to bring your animation projects to fruition.
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